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From March 24, 2016 to March 26, 2016

ArtBasel Hong Kong 2016

On the occasion of Art Basel Hong Kong 2016, Mazzoleni Gallery is delighted to present a project which aims to highlight the complexity and richness of Post-war Italian art through different generations of artists. The leitmotiv of the show is “painting beyond canvas and brush”, featuring works by pioneering artists Lucio Fontana and Alberto Burri, who were the first to create a new language by refusing any pictorial conventions, together with works by artists from the younger generation: Piero Manzoni, Enrico Castellani, Agostino Bonalumi, Getulio Alviani, Gianni Colombo, Giuseppe Uncini and later Nunzio.
Through violent manipulations of rough materials, through slashes and holes which perforate the canvas opening to a new dimension, and by inserting objects and layers to shape the canvas and create movement and vibration, these artists push painting beyond the limits of the surface and the frame, inaugurating new possibilities for future generations.


