On the occasion of the 17th edition of the Giornata del Contemporaneo (“Contemporary Day”) promoted by the Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums (AMACI), Rest Your Eyes by Rebecca Moccia will be accessible on Saturday 11 December for 24 hours. This is the video edition of the homonymous site-specific installation, which will be on display until 7 January 2022 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels in collaboration with MAMbo – Museum of Modern Art Bologna.
The online work features a news broadcast from 31 December 2020, in which images have been blurred through a filter created by the artist.
In addition to the video streaming, it will be possible to listen to a reading of the critical text about the exhibition by its author Annalisa Pellino, PhD candidate in Visual and Media Studies at the IULM University of Milan and adjunct scholar at MAGIS, International Film Studies Spring School for the Cinema and Contemporary Art (University of Udine-Gorizia). She collaborates as a contributor for Il Tascabile, Doppiozero, Kabul and Droste Effect, and is co-founder and partner of AWI – Art Workers Italia. She published Immagini in movimento, decolonialità e pratiche simboliche in Documenta11 (2002) [“Images in Motion, Decoloniality and Symbolic Practices in Documenta11 (2002)”], in Paolo Giovannetti (curated by), Le forme del simbolo (“The Forms of the Symbol”), Mimesis 2021.
The reading will be in Italian. Please find the full English version via this link.