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May 17, 2024

Marinella Senatore for Lichtparcous

 Lichtparcours is an exhibition about lightart in the city of Braunschweig, Germany. At the heart of the last Lichtparcours in 2020 – also as a reminiscence of the first Parcours in 2000 – was an artistic response to the waterway of the Oker River and its 24 bridges. The thematic focus of this year’s Lichtparcours is on the ambivalence of light itself, with its diverse, visible and invisible effects on people and the environment, as well as the consequences of using its artificial form. The temporary, site-specific works are intended to put the understanding of light and its functions to the test and show alternative possibilities for action and perspectives. Above that, the works are intended to create meeting spaces and places for exchange. Within this context, Marinella Senatore‘s light sculpture Assembly, 2022, is seamlessly integrated. 

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© Marinella Senatore, Assembly, 2022. View of the Luminaria at Baden Baden, Kurgarten, Art meets city. Credits Baden-Baden Events GmbH/Valentin Behringer, Courtesy the Artist, Baden-Baden Events GmbH/Valentin Behringer and Mazzoleni, London – Torino