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May 7, 2021

Claire Fontaine | Pasquarosa | Marinella Senatore

After the roman opening, Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes (Naples), will be the second venue of the exhibition tour promoted by La Fondazione | Fondazione Nicola Del Roscio. The show brings together two exponents of the contemporary creative scene, Claire Fontaine (artistic collective founded in 2004) and Marinella Senatore (Cava de’ Tirreni, 1977) with the 20th Century artist Pasquarosa (Anticoli Corrado, 1896 – Camaiore, 1973).The exhibition proposes a dialogue between three different interpreters of history, generation and culture, associated through a common sensibility towards the themes of individual freedom, in particular feminism. This orientation is expressed by each of them, in their own ways, influenced by their personal and professional experience, but capable of presenting unexpected, sometimes surprising, points of convergence.

Claire Fontaine | Pasquarosa | Marinella Senatore
Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes
Riviera di Chiaia 200, Naples
8 May– 27 June 2021
Opening: Saturday 8 May, 10am – 5pm