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January 10, 2023

Artist talk online: Marinella Senatore. Remember The First Time You Saw Your Name

Thu Jan. 12, 2023, 6.30 pm

Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover,  presents the Artist Talk with Marinella Senatore, in the context of her exhibitionMarinella Senatore. Remember The First Time You Saw Your Name online via video.

The event will take place digitally via Zoom. You can participate in the Artist Talk using this link: (Meeting ID: 853 4997 3081)

For Marinella Senatore, art is a horizontal platform on which different but equal actors form an energetic, unified movement and thus a collective narrative. Emerging from an aesthetic of resistance and the transformative power of social engagement, Senatore’s relational and integrative practice encompasses film, photography, painting, collage, drawing, sculpture, installations, and performance. Characterized by their participatory and political nature, her works explore the potential of art as collaboration to bring about profound social change. The ongoing dialogue between cultural history, pop culture, and social structures is at the heart of the artist’s community-based projects.

Kestner Gesellschaft presents one of her light sculptures on its façade: Remember the First Time You Saw Your Name (2020). Here, the artist focuses herself in a very explicit way on the issue of one’s identity and a sense of individual and collective belonging, once more foregrounding an urgent need for empowerment, emancipation and affection.

Marinella Senatore
Remember The First Time You Saw Your Name
LED-Lampen und Flex-Led auf einer Holzstruktur / LED lamps and Flex-Led on a wooden structure, 282 x 1198 cm
Courtesy the Artist, Mazzoleni, London – Torino
© Fotos / Photos: Roland Schmidt