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Bochner Boetti Fontana, Magazzino Italian Art

Mazzoleni is pleased to recommend the newly opened show Bochner Boetti Fontana at Magazzino Italian Art. This fall, Magazzino Italian Art opens a special exhibition examining the formal, conceptual, and procedural affinities in the work of Mel Bochner, Alighiero Boetti, and Lucio Fontana. Curated by Mel Bochner in collaboration with Magazzino, the exhibition marks the first […]

FUTURO. Arte e società dagli anni Sessanta a domani

Vicenza’s Gallerie d’Italia – Palazzo Leoni Montanari presents the exhibition FUTURO. Arte e società dagli anni Sessanta a domani. Curated by Luca Beatrice and Walter Guadagnini, the exhibition explores future visions in art from the 1960s to the first decades of the millennium, with a finale focusing on the future. Over one hundred artworks from […]

Savinio. Incanto e mito

The exhibition “Savinio. Incanto e mito” at the Museo Nazionale Romano di Palazzo Altemps brings out, through some fundamental themes and insights, the distinction of a poetic that associated and combined ancient and modern, aesthetics and irony, memory and fantasy in a comprehensive outlook that is highly relevant today. Play, illusory and chimeric structures and plots, […]

ITALICS Art and Landscape

Mazzoleni is pleased to announce its participation in ITALICS Art and Landscape, the first-hand guide to the country’s art, culture and contemporary lifestyle, written and illustrated by the gallerists themselves. ITALICS Art and Landscape is an all-digital editorial platform that will spotlight the profound cultural experiences cultivated on the Italian territory by its most celebrated gallerists, exploring the […]

Mayfair Art Weekend

Mazzoleni is pleased to announce its fourth participation in Mayfair Art Weekend 2-4 October 2020. This year Mayfair Art Weekend, the annual celebration of the world’s internationally renowned gallery district, is taking place in the autumn, with the Gallery HOP! on Friday 2 and a lot of events on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 October. During the Gallery HOP! on Friday 2 October Mazzoleni will host Pick a […]